Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Bratislava and Vienna are the 2 closest capital cities in the world, at about 60km apart. Vienna, being part of Austria, has the great benefit of being a city where I can communicate with the locals, at least to the point of being able to order a slab of schnitzel the size of a ping pong table.

To be honest, it wasn't as good as the stuff mum cooks, but the schnitzel in her last care package from June was getting a bit whiffy.

Anyway, it's an easy jump from Bratislava to Vienna, so off I headed and wandered around with my camera all day. The Viennese buildings are of the same Habsburg style as a lot of those in Bratislava, but they're all gleaming.

I can't say I loved Vienna, but you can't help being impressed by the scale. Either Austria is extremely rich, or their priorities are way off.

This was a monument in the Sigmund Freud Park. I believe the underground anchor stones are 2 Moeraki boulders.

Stephansdom Church:

On the outside of the church are 2 parallel bars. These were there so medieval haberdashers could measure the official lengths for selling cloth.

And finally, the famous Prater amusement park:

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