Cambridge Ice Rink on Xmas Eve, Under the "Reality Checkpoint" Lampost
A week before Christmas, I didn't really have any plans. Some friends in London had very kindly invited me for Christmas, but at the last minute I decided to get myself a nice Thai meal. I know this place that does great Thai food south of Cambridge. It's not on the Cambridge bus route so it takes a bit of effort getting there.
Actually, the commute was horrendous.
Punting down the Cam. Don't fool yourself, it's freezing cold. Just for the record, the hat was only a rental.

(C) Jo MacLean
This is the least comfortable taxi I've ever been in. It's slow and the seat is all lumpy.

(That's why I never post photos of myself. How is it possible for me to sit on a frickin' elephant and still look tubby?)
Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I'm going to write to the taxi company.

Woah, hold it. This is the place:

Yes, it's Thailand. Durr.
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